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Steel Doors in Bangalore

Steel doors have been a popular choice for homeowners in Bangalore, but there is a growing trend towards using wooden doors instead. In this blog post, we will explore why wooden doors are a better choice than steel doors in Bangalore.

Climate Resistance:

  • Bangalore has a hot and humid climate, causing steel doors to rust and corrode over time
  • Wooden doors are naturally resistant to moisture and can withstand the hot and humid climate of Bangalore without rusting or corroding.

Aesthetic Appeal:

  • Wooden doors come in a variety of designs and styles that can complement the traditional architecture of Bangalore homes
  • They can be carved with intricate patterns and designs, giving them a unique and elegant look
  • Steel doors have a more industrial and utilitarian look that may not be suitable for all homes.

Insulation Properties:

  • Wooden doors provide better insulation than steel doors
  • They can help keep the interior of the home cool during the summer months
  • They also provide better sound insulation, which can be important for homes located near busy roads or noisy neighborhoods.


  • Steel production is a highly polluting industry, and steel doors contribute to this pollution
  • Wooden doors are made from a renewable resource and can be recycled or repurposed at the end of their lifespan.

Conclusion: While steel doors have been a popular choice for homeowners in Bangalore for many years, wooden doors offer several advantages. They are more resistant to the climate, more aesthetically appealing, provide better insulation, and are more eco-friendly. So, if you are considering replacing your steel doors, consider switching to wooden doors instead.

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